Hillsboro Employment Law Attorneys
Employment Law Overview
Every business owner or operator will tell you: Get the details right about state and federal employment regulations from the very beginning of your business. Unfortunately, too many business owners think they know the rules and too many employees think that every problem on the job is a violation of their rights. The fact is, employment law is complex and requires years of experience and knowledge to fully understand.
McNeil & Goldstein, LLC, offers business owners throughout Washington County and Multnomah County the experienced legal counsel and representation they need. Under the direction of attorney Shawna Meyer, our firm is recognized for providing sound advice about how business owners can avoid litigation. Ms. Meyer has a decade of working directly with employers and employees on a diverse range of employment law issues, including:
- Employment contracts, drafted and reviewed
- Employment litigation, plaintiff and defense
- Wage and hour issues
- Confidentiality agreements, non-compete agreements
- Employment manuals drafted and reviewed
- Litigation risk management
- Executive compensation
- Issues involving discrimination and harassment, wrongful termination
Get the Facts Before You Make Your Hiring Decisions
Not only will a dispute over employment regulations or wage and hour laws result in costly litigation, it can take your mind off your business operations for months and even years. Hiring employees is a big decision and involves understanding rights and legal obligations. Have confidence that you are doing things right. Talk to a lawyer with knowledge and experience in our community. Contact our offices in Hillsboro, Oregon, to arrange a consultation to discuss your employment law issues today.